2024, Sep 1: Pauline Etienne is a new PhD student in our IstoPore group! Pauline will investigate the role of diffusiophoresis in aquifer remediation using microfluidic and column experiments. Welcome Pauline!
2024, Sep 1: Dr Florian Cajot is a new postdoc in our IstoPore group! Florian recently defended his PhD from University of Avignon, France. Florian develops mathematical models based on the concept of free energy to simulate flow and transport processes in porous media. He will work on the ERC TRACE-It. Welcome Florian!
2024, Sep 1: We are happy to welcome Pr Lauren Beckingham in our lab for the new academic year! Lauren is an Associate Professor from Auburn University, USA. Welcome Lauren!
2024, Mar 23: Mojtaba Norouzisadeh successfully defended in PhD research! Congratulations, Dr Norouzisadeh!
2024, Feb 22: My new paper "Micro‐Continuum Modeling: An Hybrid‐Scale Approach for Solving Coupled Processes in Porous Media" is published in Water Resources Research. Check out the open access document here.
2024, Feb 15: I received the CNRS Bronze Medal!!
2024, Feb 2: Mojtaba Norouzisadeh's first paper "A lubrication model with slope-dependent disjoining pressure for modeling wettability alteration" is published in Computer Physics Communication! Check out the open-acess article here. Congratulations, Mojtaba!
2024, Feb 1: Dr Muqeet Iqbal is a new postdoc in our IstoPore group! Muqeet recently defended his PhD from University of Rennes. Muqeet is an expert in colloidal transport in porous media. He is now working on the ERC COCONUT project to image in-situ colloidal transport and retention. Welcome, Muqeet!
2023, Oct 1: Dr Radoslav Hurtis is a new postdoc in our IstoPore group! Rado has a background in applied mathematics and flow and transport in porous media. Welcome Rado!.
2023, July 15: The website of the ERC Consolidator Grant COCONUT is now online! Go to to keep posted with our latest news and job opening.
2023, July 7: Flore Rembert's new paper "A microfluidic chip for geoelectrical monitoring of critical zone processes" is published in Lab-on-a-Chip! Check out the open-access article here. Congratulations, Flore!
2023, Apr 15: We are looking for a talented postdoctoral researcher to model chemical and mechanical erosion in porous media (2-year funding from the French National Agency for Research). More info here.
2023, Apr 12: Dr Kristina Ariskina is the new postdoc in our group! Kristina is a molecular dynamics simulation expert. She is working on the ERC project COCONUT to probe colloidal and interface interactions at the nanoscale. Welcome Kristina!
2023, Apr 3: Fatima Tuba from ITT Mandi, India joins us for a 6-months internship. Welcome Fatima!
2023, Feb 15: Walid Okaybi joins our research team as a PhD student to work on the ERC project COCONUT on pore-clogging due to colloidal transport in microfluidics. Welcome Walid!
- 2022, Nov 25: Mahdi's first paper explaining how interfacial dynamics controls drainage pore-invasion patterns in porous media has been published in Advances in Water Resources. Congratulations!
- 2022, Nov 02: We are looking for 3 talented postdocs to work on the ERC-funded project COCONUT. Apply here!
2022, Oct 15: Saideep Pavuluri's paper "Reactive Transport Modeling with a Coupled OpenFOAM®-PHREEQC Platform" is published in Transport in Porous Media. Congratulations, Saideep!
2022, Oct 03: Orange Hydrogen is the new Green! Florian Osselin's news approach for rock-based hydrogen production has been published in Nature Geoscience. Congratulations, Florian!
2022, Sept 15: Dr Noura Eddaoui joined our research group to work on the modelling of bioremediation processes! Welcome Noura!
2022, Sept 1: Nathan Bernard starts a PhD in our research group. Nathan will work on multi-phase flow processes involved in CCS. Welcome Nathan!
2022, June 27: I successfully defended my "Habilitation à Diriger les Recherches" (Habilitation to manage research). Many thanks to the jury (Didier Lasseux, Patrick Jenny, Stéphane Zaleski, Tanguy LeBorgne, Linda Luquot, Catherine Noiriel, Christophe Tournassat and Francis Claret) who evaluated my work.
2022, June 13: Dr Kevin Moroney from University of Limerick, Ireland visited our research group for a two-week intense training on OpenFOAM to adapt our CCS modeling approach to simulate drug tablet dissolution.
2022, June 1: My ERC Consolidator Grant proposal has been selected for funding! The project COCONUT will receive 2 million euros over 5 years to investigate two-phase flow and colloid transport in porous media. More postdoc and PhD positions to come! Keep posted.
2022, May 25: Our paper "Improved Volume-of-Solid formulations for micro-continuum simulation of mineral dissolution at the pore-scale" in collaboration with Julien Maes and Hannah Menke from Heriot Watt University has been accepted for publication in the special issue of Frontiers in Earth Science on Geochemistry.
2022, Apr 11: Want to know more about microfluidics for geosciences? Have a look at our article in "Pour la Science" the popular science magazine, available online and on sale in May.
2022, Feb 15: Pr. Jamie Foster and Yoana Grudeva from Portsmouth University, UK came to Orleans for a two-week visit in our research group for intense training on OpenFOAM to adapt the modelling techniques we developed for CCS to coffee brewing.
2022, Feb 15: Walid Okaybi joined our group for a 6-month internship on microfluidic experiments of pore-clogging. Welcome Walid!
2022, Jan 10: Sophie Roman has been awarded the ERC Starting Grant! 1.5 million euros to investigate the effect of diffusiophoresis on contaminant remediation. Congratulations Sophie!
2021, Dec 1: Our paper "The Impact of Sub-Resolution Porosity on Numerical Simulations of Multiphase Flow" in collaboration with Dr. Francisco Carrillo and Prof Ian Bourg from Princeton University has been accepted for publication in Advances in Water Resources!
2021, Oct 1: Laurez Maya joined our group for a PhD on Flow and reactive transport of fine particles related to the injectivity of geothermal reservoirs. Welcome Laurez!
2021, Sep 15: Our paper "porousMedia4Foam: Multi-scale open-source platform for hydro-geochemical simulations with OpenFOAM®" is available online on Environmental Modelling and Software. Check out also the source code of porousMedia4Foam on our GitHub.
2021, July 24: I will give an OpenFOAM training at the 5th Cargese's summer school on Flow and Transport in fractured and porous media. See you there!
2021, July 21: GeoMIME project of Dr Sophie Roman has been awarded an Early-Career Research Grant from the French National Agency for Research. GeoMIME intends to decipher the complex mechanisms associated with carbon storage in the subsurface using computational and experimental microfluidics. Congratulation Sophie!
2021, July 21: Our project IMAGE on monitoring the subsurface for bioremediation with BRGM (French Geological Survey), Geosciences Rennes, Sorbonne Université (METIS), and IRIS Instrument has been selected for funding by the French National Agency for Research!
2021, July 5: Our paper "Digital Rock Physics: computation of hydrodynamic dispersion" is available online on Oil & Gas Science and Technology. Check out the related code on GitHub.
2021, May 20: I will give an online OpenFOAM short course at Interpore Academy on June 8-12. No need to attend the conference to attend the class. More information here.
2021, Apr 30: Our article "Pore‐Scale Imaging and Modelling of Reactive Flow in Evolving Porous Media: Tracking the Dynamics of the Fluid–Rock Interface" with Catherine Noiriel from the University of Toulouse is published in Transport in Porous Media, link.
2021, Apr 1: Dr. Flore Rembert joined our group for a post-doc. Flore obtained a Labex Voltaire Excellence fellowship. Flore has a PhD from Sorbonne University (Paris, France) in geophysics. Welcome Flore!
2021, Apr 1: Imène Belaid joined our group for a 6-months internship on modeling reactive convection in hydrothermal systems. Welcome Imène!
2021, Mar 15: Our project EsCapaDeS with Dr. Sophie Roman on the assessment of carbon dioxide storage capacity in geological formations has been awarded a 20k€ grant by CNRS's Mission for Transversal and Interdisciplinary Initiatives.
2021, Jan 25: Our article "Computational Microfluidics for Geosciences" has been accepted for publication in Frontiers in Water!
2020, Nov 30: Laurez Maya joined our group for a 6-months internship on pore-scale modelling of colloidal transport. Welcome Laurez!
2020, Nov 15: My project CaraMBar on characterization and modelling of confinement barriers for geological storage of carbon dioxide to mitigate climate change has been awarded a 25k€ grant by CNRS's Mission for Transversal and Interdisciplinary Initiatives.
2020, Oct 1: Mojtaba Norouzisadeh joined our Porous Media Research Group at ISTO for a PhD on modelling wettability in geological media. Welcome Mojtaba!
2020, Sept 24: My project TransCol on modelling colloidal transport in porous media has been awarded with a 30k€ grant by Labex Voltaire.
2020, Sept 4: Our article "Multiphase Flow Modeling in Multiscale Porous Media: An Open-Source Micro-Continuum Approach" with Francisco Carrillo and Ian Bourg from Princeton University has been accepted for publication in Journal of Computational Physics!
2020, July 25: I am now the head of the Porous Media Research Group at the Institute of Earth Sciences of Orléans (ISTO).
2020, July 1: I have been elected president of FOAM-U, the association of the French/Belgium OpenFOAM users. I hope to see you in May 2021 in Lyon for our annual meeting.
2020, Jun 15: Check out our new publication "Microfluidic flow-through reactor and 3D Raman imaging for in situ assessment of mineral reactivity in porous and fractured porous media" in Lab-on-a-Chip with Jenna Poonoosamy from Institute of Energy and Climate Research (IEK-6), Forschungszentrum Jülich link
2020, Feb 06: We have an open PhD position for 3 years to decipher and model the interfacial dynamics of multiphase flow in natural porous media. See the job offer. Apply before April 1.
2019, Oct 11: Our new paper « A unified single-field Volume-of-Fluid-based formulation for multi-component interfacial transfer with local volume changes» has been accepted for publication in Journal of Computational Physics
2019, Oct 1: I am now an Associate Scientist at CNRS. I am joining the Institute of Earth Sciences of Orléans, France!
2019, Sept 25: Our new paper « Simulation of mineral dissolution at the pore scale with evolving fluid-solid interfaces: Review of approaches and benchmark problem set» has been accepted for publication in Computational Geosciences
2019, Sept 20: Our new paper « Pore-scale visualization and characterization of viscous dissipation in porous media» has been accepted for publication in Journal of Colloid and Interface Science LINK
2019, July 31: I will visit the group of Prof. Ian Bourg at Princeton University from July 31 to August 29
2019, July 16: My project FraMatI on "Microscale modeling of fracture-matrix interactions under reactive two-phase flow" has been awarded by an Early Career Grant from the French National Agency for Research
2019, April 8: My project PORE-REACTIF (with BRGM, CNRS and University of Pau) on coupling flow and transport with geochemical packages has been awarded by a 12-months post-doc fellowship from "Alliance Nationale de Coordination de la Recherche pour l’Energie". Feel free to send your CV.