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  • W. Okaybi, S. Roman, C. Soulaine "Progressive colloidal clogging mechanism by dendritic build-up in porous media"
  • M. Norouzisadeh, P. Leroy, C. Soulaine "Slope-dependent electrostatic potential in thin films near the three-phase contact point"
  • N. Bernard, C. Soulaine, S. Roman "Impact of wetting films on the stability of two-phase flow in porous media: a pore-doublet approach"
  • N. Eddaoui, C. Soulaine, S. Aniss, M. Panfilov  "Underground Hydrogen Storage and In-situ Biomethanation Limited by Reaction-Diffusion Patterns"


  1. L. Maya, L. André, C. Soulaine "Particulate Transport in Porous Media at Pore-Scale. Part 1: Unresolved-Resolved Four-Way Coupling CFD-DEM, Journal of Computational Physics 521, 113540 (2025) link

  2. L. Maya, L. André, P. Leroy, C. Soulaine "Particulate Transport in Porous Media at Pore-Scale. Part 2: CFD-DEM and Colloidal Forces", Journal of Computational Physics 519, 113439 (2024) link

  3. M. Norouzisadeh, P. Leroy, C. Soulaine "A lubrication model with disjoining pressure for modeling wettability alteration"​, Computer Physics Communications 298, 109114 (2024)  link, pdf

  4. C. Soulaine " Micro-continuum modelling: an hybrid-scale approach for solving coupled processes in porous media", Water Resources Research 60(2), e2023WR035908 (2024) link, pdf

  5. S. Izumoto, J. Heyman, J. A. Huisman, K. De Vriendt, C. Soulaine, F. Gomez, H. Tabuteau, Y. Méheust, T. Le Borgne "Enhanced mixing and reaction in converging flows: theory and pore-scale imaging" Water Resources Research 59(8), e2023WR034749 (2023) link, pdf

  6. F. Rembert, A. Stolz, C.Soulaine, S. Roman "A microfluidic chip equipped for geoelectrical monitoring of the critical zone processes" Lab-on-a-Chip 23, 3433-3442 (2023) link, pdf

  7. M. Mansouri-Boroujeni, C. Soulaine, M. Azaroual, S. Roman "How interfacial dynamics controls drainage pore-invasion patterns in porous media"Advances in Water Resources 171, 104353 (2023) link

  8. S. Pavuluri, C. Tournassat, F. Claret, C. Soulaine "Reactive transport modelling with a coupled OpenFOAM®-PHREEQC platform" Transport in Porous Media 145, 475–504 (2022) link

  9. F. Osselin, C. Soulaine, C. Fauguerolles, E. Gaucher, B. Scaillet, M. Pichavant "Hydrogen: Orange is the new Green" Nature Geoscience 15, 765–769 (2022) link

  10. H. Deng, M. Gharasoo, L. Zhang, Z. Dai, A. Hajizadeh, C. A. Peters, C. Soulaine, M. Thullner, P. Van Cappellen "A perspective on applied geochemistry in porous media: Reactive transport modeling of geochemical dynamics and the interplay with flow phenomena and physical alteration" Applied Geochemistry 146, 105445 (2022) link

  11. J. Maes, C. Soulaine, H. P. Menke "Improved Volume-of-Solid formulations for micro-continuum simulation of mineral dissolution at the pore-scale" Frontiers in Earth Science (2022), 10, 917931 link, pdf

  12. F. Carrillo, C. Soulaine, I. C. Bourg "The Impact of Sub-Resolution Porosity on Numerical Simulations of Multiphase Flow" Advances in Water Resources (2022), 161, 104094 link, pdf

  13. C. Soulaine, S. Pavuluri, F. Claret, C. Tournassat "porousMedia4Foam: Multi-scale open-source platform for hydro-geochemical simulations with OpenFOAM®" Environmental Modelling and Software 145, 105199 (2021) link, pdf

  14. C. Soulaine, L. Girolami, L. Arbaret, S. Roman "Digital Rock Physics: computation of hydrodynamic dispersion" Oil & Gas Science and Technology - Rev. IFP Energies nouvelles 76, 51 (2021) link, pdf

  15. C. Noiriel and C. Soulaine "Pore-scale imaging and modelling of reactive flow in evolving porous media: tracking the dynamics of the fluid-rock interface" Transport in Porous Media 140 (1), 181-213 (2021) link

  16. C. Soulaine, J. Maes, S. Roman "Computational Microfluidics for Geosciences" Frontiers in Water (2021), 3, 643714 link

  17. F. Carrillo, I. C. Bourg, C. Soulaine "Multiphase Flow Modeling in Multiscale Porous Media: An Open-Source Micro-Continuum Approach" Journal of Computational Physics (2020), 8, 100073 link

  18. J. Poonoosamy, C. Soulaine, A. Burmeister, G. Deissmann, D. Bosbach, S. Roman "Microfluidic flow-through reactor and 3D Raman imaging for in situ assessment of mineral reactivity in porous and fractured porous media" Lab-on-a-Chip (2020), 20, 2562-2571 link

  19. J. Maes and C. Soulaine « A unified single-field Volume-of-Fluid-based formulation for multi-component interfacial transfer with local volume changes» Journal of Computational Physics (2020), 402, 109024 link

  20. S. Molins, C. Soulaine, N.I. Prasianakis, A. Abbasi, P. Poncet, A.J.C. Ladd, V. Starchenko, S. Roman, D. Trebotich, H.A. Tchelepi, C.I. Steefel « Simulation of mineral dissolution at the pore scale with evolving fluid-solid interfaces: Review of approaches and benchmark problem set» Computational Geosciences (2020) link, pdf

  21. S. Roman, C. Soulaine, A. Kovscek « Pore-scale visualization and characterization of viscous dissipation in porous media» Journal of Colloid and Interface Science (2020), 558, 269-279 link

  22. C. Soulaine, P. Creux, H. Tchelepi « Micro-Continuum Framework for Pore-Scale Multiphase Fluid Transport in Shale Formations» Transport in Porous Media (2019), 127(1), 85-112 link

  23. C. Soulaine, S. Roman, A. Kovscek, H. Tchelepi « Pore-scale modelling of multiphase reactive flow. Application to mineral dissolution with production of CO2» Journal of Fluid Mechanics (2018), 855, 616-645 link

  24. J. Maes and C. Soulaine « A new compressive scheme to simulate species transfer across fluid interfaces using the Volume-of-Fluid method» Chemical Engineering Science (2018), 190, 405-418 link

  25. C. Soulaine, S. Roman, A. Kovscek, H. Tchelepi « Mineral dissolution and wormholing from a pore-scale perspective» Journal of Fluid Mechanics (2017), 827, 457-483 link, cover

  26. M. Graveleau, C. Soulaine, H. A. Tchelepi « Pore-scale simulation of interphase multicomponent mass transfer for subsurface flow» Transport in Porous Media (2017), 120(2), 287-308

  27. C. Soulaine, M. Quintard, B. Baudouy, R. van Weelderen « Numerical investigation of thermal counterflow of He II past cylinders» Physical Review Letters (2017), 118, 074506(5) pdf

  28. C. Soulaine and H. A. Tchelepi « Micro-continuum approach for pore-scale simulation of subsurface processes» Transport In Porous Media (2016), 113, 431-456

  29. C. Soulaine, F. Gjetvaj, C. Garing, S. Roman, A. Russian, P. Gouze, H. A. Tchelepi « The Impact of Sub-resolution Porosity of X-ray Microtomography Images on the Permeability» Transport In Porous Media (2016), 113, 227-243

  30. S. Roman, C. Soulaine, M. Abu AlSaud, A. Kovscek, H. Tchelepi « Particle Velocimetry Analysis of Immiscible Two-Phase Flow in Micromodels» Advances in Water Resources (2016), 95, 199-211

  31. C. Soulaine, M. Quintard, H. Allain, B. Baudouy, R. van Weelderen « A PISO-like algorithm to simulate superfluid helium flow with the two-fluid model» Computer Physics Communications (2015), 187, 20-28

  32. P. Horgue, C. Soulaine, J. Franc, R. Guibert, G. Debenest, « An open-source toolbox for multiphase flow in porous media» Computer Physics Communications (2015), 187, 217-226

  33. L. Orgogozo, N. Renon, C. Soulaine, F. Hénon, SK. Tomer, D. Labat, OS. Pokrovsky, M. Sekhar, R. Ababou, M. Quintard, « An open-source massively parallel solver for Richards equation: Mechanistic modelling of water fluxes at the watershed scale» Computer Physics Communications (2014), 185, 3358-3371

  34. C. Soulaine, P. Horgue, J. Franc, M. Quintard, « Gas–Liquid Flow Modeling in Columns Equipped with Structured Packing » AIChE Journal (October 2014), 60(10), 3665-3674

  35. C. Soulaine and M. Quintard, « On the use of a Darcy–Forchheimer like model for a macro-scale description of turbulence in porous media and its application to structured packings » International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (2014), 74, 88 – 100

  36. C. Soulaine, Y. Davit, M. Quintard, « A two-pressure model for slightly compressible single phase flow in bi-structured porous media » Chemical Engineering Science (June 2013), 96(1), 55-70

  37. H. Allain, R.V. Weelderen, B. Baudouy, M. Quintard, M. Prat, C. Soulaine, « Investigation of suitability of the method of volume averaging for the study of heat transfer in superconducting accelerator magnet cooled by superfluid helium » Cryogenics (January 2013), 53, 128-134

  38. C. Soulaine, G. Debenest, M. Quintard, « Upscaling multi-component two-phase flow in porous media with partitioning coefficient » Chemical Engineering Science (December 2011), 66(23), 6189-6192


  1. C. Soulaine, L. Maya, W. Okaybi, S. Roman, « Pore-scale modelling and microfluidic experiments on colloidal transport: aggregation, sieving, and pore-clogging » Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Coupled Processes in Fractured Geological Media: Observation, Modeling, and Application, CouFrac2024 - November 13-15, 2024, Kyoto, Japan, 2024

  2. C. Soulaine, M. Quintard, H. Allain, B. Baudouy, R. Van Weelderen, « Numerical Investigation of Heat Transfer In a Forced Flow of He II » Proceedings of the 15th International Heat Transfer Conference, IHTC-15 August 10-15, 2014, Kyoto, Japan, 2014 pdf


  1. J.Maes and C. Soulaine, «Direct Pore-Scale Modelling Of Dissolution And Trapping Of Supercritical CO2 In Reservoir Brine » Proceedings of the 16th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery, ECMOR XVI, 3-6 September 2018, Barcelona, Spain link 

  2. C. Soulaine and H. A. Tchelepi, « Micro-continuum Formulation for Modelling Dissolution in Natural Porous Media » Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery, ECMOR XV, 29 August – 1 September 2016, Amsterdam, Netherlands

  3. S. Pavuluri, C. Tournassat, F. Claret, L. André, C. Soulaine, « porousMedia4Foam: An open-source multiphase reactive transport platform based on OpenFOAM for geothermal applications » European Geothermal Congress 2022, Berlin, Germany, 17-21 October 2022


  • C Soulaine, S Roman "La microfluidique infiltre les géosciences" Pour la Science 535 (5), 50-58, 2022 link


  1. C. Soulaine, "Computational Microfluidics for Geosciences", Habilitation thesis, University of Orléans, 2022 pdf

  2. C. Soulaine, "Modélisation des écoulements dans les garnissages structurés : de l'échelle du pore à l'échelle de la colonne", PhD Dissertation, Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse, 2012 pdf

  3. C. Soulaine, "Optimisation des procédés d'adsorption par la gestion des effets thermiques", MSc Dissertation, Institut National Polytechnique de Bordeaux, MATMECA, 2008 pdf

  4. C. Soulaine, "Echanges thermiques dans les minicanaux", MSc Dissertation, Institut National Polytechnique de Bordeaux, MATMECA, 2007 pdf 



  • "porousMedia4Foam: an hybrid-scale reactive transport modeling platform" 2nd Reactive Transport for the Earth and Environmental Sciences in the 21st century, Oct 22-25, 2024. Fontainebleau, France

  • "Impact of wetting films on the stability of two-phase flow in porous media" InterPore 16th Annual Meeting, May 13-16, 2024. Qingdao, China

  • “Computational Fluid Dynamics for subsurface flows in the energy transition”, 2nd Blended Intensive Program: Digital Environmental Geosciences, Athena European University,  January 15-19, 2024. Orléans, France

  • “Pore-scale modelling and microfluidic experiments of colloidal transport: aggregation, sieving, and pore-clogging”, AGU Fall Meeting 2023, December 11–15, 2023. San Francisco, CA, USA

  • “Modelling subsurface flows for the energy transition”, 1st International Summer school: Fluid dynamics for sustainable energy, Sep 11-15, 2023. Desenzano del Garda, Italy (invited keynote speaker)

  • “Micro-Continuum Modelling: An Hybrid-Scale Approach for Solving Coupled Processes in Porous Media”, SIAM Conference on Mathematical and Computational Issues in the Geosciences, June 19-22, 2017. Bergen, Norway (invited keynote speaker)

  • “Recent Advances in Modelling Reactive Interfaces in Pore-Scale Simulations”, InterPore 15th Annual Meeting, May 22-25, 2023. Edinburgh, UK

  • “A Lubrication Model for Wettablity Characterization”, InterPore 15th Annual Meeting, May 22-25, 2023. Edinburgh, UK

  • “porousMedia4Foam: An hybrid-scale solver to model coupled processes in porous media”, EURAD Training: Geochemical & Reactive Transport Modelling for Geological Disposal training, February 6–10, 2023. University of Bern, Switzerland (invited speaker)

  • “Recent advances in reactive interface treatment for micro-continuum models”, AGU Fall Meeting 2022, December 11–15, 2022. Chicago, IL, USA

  • “Simulation of fracture-matrix interaction using micro-continuum approaches”, CouFrac 2022, 3rd International Conference on Coupled Processes in Fractured Geological Media: Observation, Modeling, and Application, November 14–16, 2022. Berkeley, CA, USA (invited speaker)

  • “porousMedia4Foam: the ultimate OpenFOAM package for porous media modeling”, 5th French/Belgian OpenFOAM users conference, May 17–18, 2022. Lyon, France

  • “Lectures on numerical methods for modeling phase change of a solid”, Summer school on Fluid flow and phase change of a solid, July 17–18, 2022. Udine, Italy

  • “Computational microfluidics for geosciences - Simulation techniques to model flow and transport at the pore-scale”, 5th Cargèse summer school on flow and transport in porous and fractured media, July 20-31, 2021. Cargèse, France (invited speaker)

  • « A Micro-Continuum Approach for Solving Two-Phase Flow in Porous Media at Different Scales», SIAM Conference on Mathematical and Computational Issues in the Geosciences, June 21-24, 2021. Online Conference.

  • « A (real) multi-scale solver for two-phase flow: a micro-continuum approach», InterPore 2020, 12th Annual Meeting, Aug 31 - Sept 4, 2020. Virtual Conference video

  • « Introduction to open-source simulation using OpenFOAM», 31ème journée de la fédération de Calcul Scientifique et Modélisation à Orléans et Tours, December 17, 2019. Orléans, France (invited speaker)

  • « Pore-scale modelling of multiphase reactive flow», SITRAM19 - Workshop Advances in the SImulation of reactive flow and TRAnsport in porous Media, December 2-3, 2019. University of Pau, France link, abstract

  • « Multi-scale modeling of acid stimulation processes in carbonate formations», DEEPEGS international symposium, November 6-8, 2019. Orléans, France

  • « Quantifying the reactive surface area from pore-scale simulations », Le Studium Workshop - Knowledge’s frontiers in water unsaturated hydrogeosystems: interface dynamics, heterogeneities & couplings, June 27-28, 2019. Orléans, France, pdf

  • « OpenFOAM and Geosciences», 4th French/Belgian OpenFOAM® users conference, June 12- 13, 2019. Marseille, France 

  • “Pore-scale modeling of coupled hydro-geological processes”, InterPore 11th Annual Meeting, May 6-10, 2019. Valencia, Spain, pdf

  • « Superfluid and quantum turbulence in porous media», Workshop upscaling in porous media: A tribute to Michel Quintard, April 15-16, 2019. I2M Bordeaux, France (invited speaker) pdf

  • « Digital Rock Physics: Objectives and Challenges», 29ème journée de la fédération de Calcul Scientifique et la Modélisation à Orléans et Tours, December 12, 2018. Orléans, France (invited speaker) link, pdf

  • “Micro-Continuum modeling: an hybrid-scale approach”, Gordon Research Conference on Flow & Transport in Permeable Media, July 9-12, 2018. Sunday River, Newry, ME, USA (invited speaker)

  • “Simulation techniques to model flow and transport at the pore-scale”, 4th Cargèse summer school on flow and transport in porous and fractured media, June 25 - July 7, 2018. Cargèse, France (invited speaker) link, pdf

  • “Superfluid and quantum turbulence in porous media”, InterPore 10th Annual Meeting and Jubilee, May 14-17, 2018. New Orleans, USA  link, pdf

  • “Micro-Continuum Approach for Pore-Scale Simulation of Subsurface Processes”, MATHIAS Conference, Oct 25-27, 2017. Marne-la-Vallée, France

  • “Pore-Scale Simulation of Reactive Mass Transport with a Micro-Continuum Approach”, 1st Reactive Transport for the Earth and Environmental Sciences in the 21st century, Oct 2-5, 2017. Amboise, France

  • “Micro-continuum approach for pore-scale simulation of subsurface processes”, SIAM Conference on Mathematical and Computational Issues in the Geosciences, Sept 11-14, 2017. Erlangen, Germany

  • “Micro-Continuum Approach for Pore-Scale Simulation in Subsurface Processes”, TOTAL Pore-Scale Workshop, Pau, France. June 8-9, 2017

  • “Mineral dissolution and wormholing from a pore-scale perspective”, InterPore 9th International Conference on Porous Media & Annual Meeting, May 8 - 11, 2017. Rotterdam, Netherlands pdf

  • “Micro-continuum approach for pore-scale simulation of subsurface processes”, 53rd Annual Technical Meeting of the Society of Engineering Science, Oct 2-5, 2016. University of Maryland, College Park, USA (invited speaker)

  • “Micro-continuum Formulation for Modelling Dissolution in Natural Porous Media”, 15th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery, ECMOR XV, Aug 29 - Sept 1, 2016. Amsterdam, Netherlands

  • “Pore-Scale Simulation of sCO2/Brine Dissolution”, XXII International Conference Computational Methods in Water Resources, CMWR 2016, June 20-24, 2016. Toronto, Canada link

  • “A Multiphysics Multiscale Framework for Modeling Mass and Heat Flow at Small Scales: Carbonate Dissolution”, XXII International Conference Computational Methods in Water Resources, CMWR 2016, June 20-24, 2016. Toronto, Canada link

  • “Multi-scale simulation for flow, heat and mass transport in porous media based on a Darcy-Brinkman model”, MATHIAS Conference, Oct 28-30, 2015. Paris, France

  • “Pore-scale Simulation of Carbonate Dissolution”, SIAM Conference on Mathematical and Computational Issues in Geosciences, June 29 - July 5, 2015. Stanford, CA, USA

  • “Characterization of Type I Source-Rock by Pore-scale Simulation”, Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference, EMI 2015, June 16-19, 2015, Stanford, CA, USA

  • “Investigation of Two-Phase Flow Mechanisms in Porous Media Using Micro-Particle Image Velocimetry”, InterPore 7th International Conference on Porous Media & Annual Meeting. May 18 - 21, 2015, Padova, Italy pdf

  • “Simulation of multiphase flow at the pore scale: doable, useful?”, AGU Fall Meeting 2014, San Francisco, USA (invited speaker)

  • “Numerical Investigation of Heat Transfer In a Forced Flow of He II” 15th International Heat Transfer Conference, IHTC-15 August 10-15, 2014, Kyoto, Japan pdf

  • “Gas-Liquid flow modeling in columns equipped with structured packing seen as bi-structured porous media”, AIChE Annual Meeting 2013. San Francisco, CA, USA pdf

  • Two-phase flow solver for anisotropic porous media”, 7th OpenFOAM Workshop, June 25-28, 2012, Darmstadt, Germany pdf

  • Derivation of an anisotropic Darcy-Forchheimer equation including turbulence effects and its application to structured packings”, Interpore 4th International Conference on Porous Media & Annual Meeting of the International Society for Porous Media, May 14-16, 2012. Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA linkpdf

  • Upscaling Multicomponent Two-Phase Dispersion with Partitioning CoefficientAIChE Annual Meeting 2010, Nov 7-12, 2010. Salt Lake City, Utah, USA pdf

  • Changement d’échelle d’un écoulement diphasique multiconstituants avec relation de partitionnement, 10ème édition des Journées d'Etude sur les Milieux Poreux, Oct 20-21, 2010. Nancy, France link


  • “Multiphase micro-continuum models: a hybrid-scale approach”, InterPore 10th Annual Meeting and Jubilee, May 14-17, 2018. New Orleans, USA pdf

  • “Pore-Scale Simulation of the Processes Associated with the Injection and Sequestration of CO2 in the Subsurface”, 2017 EFRC-Hub-CMS PI Meeting, July 24-25, 2017. Washington, D.C., USA pdf

  • “Mineral dissolution and wormholing from a pore-scale perspective”, InterPore 9th International Conference on Porous Media & Annual Meeting, May 8 - 11, 2017. Rotterdam, Netherlands pdf

  • “Characterization of type I source rock by pore-scale simulations”, InterPore 7th International Conference on Porous Media & Annual Meeting. May 18 - 21, 2015, Padova, Italy pdf

  • “Pore-scale modeling of oil-shale pyrolysis with CFD-DEM method”, Gordon Research Conference on Flow and Transport in Permeable Media, July 6 - 11, 2014. Bates College, Lewiston, ME, US pdf


  • "Zoom sur le transport de contaminants dans les eaux souterraines", Les Échappées Inattendues du CNRS, Musée d'Orléans pour la Biodiversité et de l'Environnement, Oct 8, 2024.

  • "Pore-scale modelling and microfluidic experiments of colloidal transport: aggregation, sieving, and pore-clogging", EMPA, Zurich Switzerland. Sep 25, 2024

  • "Pore-scale modelling and microfluidic experiments of colloidal transport: aggregation, sieving, and pore-clogging", Polytechnique Montréal, Canada, Apr 11, 2024

  • "Approches micro-continues pour la microfluidique numérique appliquée aux géosciences", Confluence seminar, Institut de Mécanique des Fluides de Toulouse, INP Toulouse. June 1, 2023.

  • "Micro-continuum approaches and computational microfluidics for geosciences",  Laboratoire d’Ingénierie des Fluides et des Systèmes Énergétiques, Arts et Métiers Paris. May 25, 2022. (link)

  • "Micro-continuum approach for the multi-scale modeling of coupled processes in the subsurface", Geological Research Seminars,  Ghent University. Oct 22, 2021.

  • "Multi-scale modelling with micro-continuum approach", MultiscaleModelling and Heterogeneous Media Research Theme Seminar, University of Nottingham. Apri 1, 2021.

  • "Approches micro-continues pour la modélisation multi-échelle des écoulements diphasiques en milieux poreux", IFP Energie Nouvelle, France. December 10, 2020

  • "Micro-continuum approach for multi-scale modelling of subsurface processes", Center of Excellence PoreLab, Department of Geoscience and Petroleum, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway. December 2, 2020

  • “Micro-continuum modelling: A hybrid-scale approach for solving coupled processes in porous media”, University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, UK. February 28, 2020.

  • “Micro-continuum modelling: A hybrid-scale approach for solving coupled processes in porous media”, University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth, UK. February 26, 2020.

  • “Multi-scale modeling of coupled hydro-geochemical processes in porous and fractured media”, Institut für Energie und Klimaforschung (IEK-6), Forschungszentrum Jülich, Jülich, Germany. November 28, 2019

  • “Multi-scale modeling of coupled hydro-geochemical processes in porous and fractured media”, Department of Mathematics, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Erlangen, Germany. October 25, 2019 link

  • “Multi-scale modeling of coupled hydro-geochemical processes in porous and fractured media”, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, USA. August 26, 2019

  • “Modélisation à l'échelle des pores des processus hydro-géochimiques dans les réservoirs poreux et fracturés”, Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, Paris, Jan 15, 2019

  • “Multi-Scale Analysis of Hydro-Geochemical Instabilities in Porous Media”, Laboratoire Matière et Systèmes Complexes - Université Paris-Diderot, Paris, France. Dec 6, 2018

  • “Pore-scale Modeling of Hydro-Geochemical Processes in Porous and Fractured Media”, GéoRessources Nancy, Nancy, France. Nov 26, 2018

  • “Mineral Dissolution and Wormholing from a Pore-Scale Perspective”, Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour, Pau, France. June 6, 2017

  • “Mineral Dissolution and Wormholing from a Pore-Scale Perspective”, UC Berkeley, Mechanical Engineering, Berkeley, CA, USA. April 17, 2017 link

  • “Pore-scale Modeling of Rock Dissolution”, TU Delft - DARSim seminar, Delft, Netherlands. Sept 2, 2016

  • “Pore-scale Modeling of Rock Dissolution”, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland. June 16, 2016

  • “Simulation of flow in porous media with OpenFOAM®”, Baker Hughes, Palo Alto, CA, USA. Jan 30, 2015

  • “Modeling of Flows in Bi-Structured Porous Media”, Energy Resources Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA. Oct 22, 2013

  • “Modélisation des écoulements dans les garnissages structurés”, Institut de Mécanique et d’Ingénierie de Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France. Feb 14, 2013

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